Hola!!! ¿Qué tal la semana? Hoy os enseño un look que puse hace unas semanas en un día de auténtico verano en el que aprovechamos para salir a pasear por el centro, comer el primer helado de la temporada en la calle...de lujo la verdad!
Para esta ocasión os enseño dos de mis nuevas adquisiciones, por una parte esta el body de tirantes spaguetti y super escote en la espalda que lo compre hace varias semanas en Lefties, pero aquí en el norte ya se sabe como es el tiempo y aún no tuviera ocasión de estrenarlo, super cómodo en color teja. Y por otra parte la maxi-camisa denim, que con ocasión de cambiarlas opté por comprar una diferente y en este caso opté por la maxi y a la cual le estoy dando mucho uso.
Todo esto lo acabé de combinar con jeans y sneaker. Un look cómodo para un paseo de relax.
Espero que os gustase. Besos y feliz Martes!
Hello!!! What week? Today you teach a look that I put a couple of deias in an authentic summer day in which we take to go out and stroll the Center, eating Prime ice cream season in the street... luxury the truth!
For this occasion I taught two of my new acquisitions, on the one hand this body of spaghetti straps and super neckline in the back that I bought it for several weeks in Lefties, but here in the North we know as it's time and still had no occasion expected, super comfortable at color tile. And on the other hand maxi-shirt denim, with opportunity to change them chose to buy a different and eneste case opted for the maxi and to which I am giving you much use.
All this ended up it combine with jeans and sneaker. A comfortable look for a relaxing walk.
I hope you liked you. Kisses and happy Tuesday!
Hello!!! What week? Today you teach a look that I put a couple of deias in an authentic summer day in which we take to go out and stroll the Center, eating Prime ice cream season in the street... luxury the truth!
For this occasion I taught two of my new acquisitions, on the one hand this body of spaghetti straps and super neckline in the back that I bought it for several weeks in Lefties, but here in the North we know as it's time and still had no occasion expected, super comfortable at color tile. And on the other hand maxi-shirt denim, with opportunity to change them chose to buy a different and eneste case opted for the maxi and to which I am giving you much use.
All this ended up it combine with jeans and sneaker. A comfortable look for a relaxing walk.
I hope you liked you. Kisses and happy Tuesday!
Photos By L.C.V
Camisa / Shirt: Stradivarius s/s16 (AQUÍ)
Body: Lefties s/s16 (AQUÍ)
Jeans: Lefties a/w15
Sneakers: Converse By Krack