Hay que tener en cuenta una serie de factores para lucir perfecta en una ceremonia
Es época de mirar el vestido de fiesta perfecto para eventos y ceremonias. Si tienes una boda y quieres acertar en función del tipo de boda o el protocolo que existe, hay una serie de pautas a seguir, para lucir siempre perfecta.
Hay que tener en cuenta muchos factores, como son el grado de relación con el/la novio/a, el lugar, la época del año, tu propio estilo (pues no se trata de ir disfrazada, ni mucho menos) y el tipo de boda (ya sea religiosa, civil, en la playa, temática, americana...)
Puede ser que ya en la propia invitación se etiquete el estilo de boda o vestimenta a llegar, ya sea rigurosa o de gala (donde se debe llevar vestido largo e incluso aportar complementos o detalles como brillos y lentejuelas, ya que se asocian a bodas de noche) o bien formal (donde el vestido no será demasiado largo 3/4 por debajo de la rodilla y tacón medio-alto)
En el caso de tratarse de bodas invernales hay que jugar con el factor abrigo, ya sea capa, abrigo largo oscuro sin muchos detalles, estola o echarpé ligero. Mientras que si es primaveral o verano, en el caso de ser ceremonia religiosa llevar un chal o blazer para cubrir los hombros.
En el caso de tratarse de bodas playeras o campestres evitar vestidos negros y apostar por tonos claros y estampados con texturas ligeras y vaporosas.
Evitar siempre vestidos muy escotados, pedrería excesiva, terciopelo y colores muy claros que pueden dejar a la novia en un segundo plano, pues hay que pensar que es la protagonista y no se le puede restar atención.
Todos los vestidos que os muestro son de la web Babyonlinedress, una web de vestidos de baile online que descubrí hace poco y que tiene auténticas joyas y vestidos de fiesta 2017 que nos pueden sacar de un apuro de cara a próximos eventos o ceremonias.
Espero que os gustase y os ayuden estos tips. Espero vuestros comentarios. Besos y sed felices!
It's time to look at the perfect homecoming dress for events and ceremonies. If you have a wedding and you want to get it right depending on the type of wedding or protocol that exists, there are a number of guidelines to follow, to always look perfect.
You have to take into account many factors, such as the degree of relationship with the boyfriend, the place, the time of year, your own style (because it is not disguised, much less) and the type of Wedding (whether religious, civil, on the beach, themed, American ...)
It may be that already in the invitation itself, the style of wedding or dress to arrive, either rigorous or gala (where you must wear long dress and even add accessories or details such as glitter and sequins, as they are associated with weddings of Night) or formal (where the dress will not be too long 3/4 below the knee and medium-high heel)
In the case of winter weddings you have to play with the coat factor, whether it be a coat, a long dark coat without many details, a stole or a lightweight scarf. Whereas if it is spring or summer, in the case of being religious ceremony wear a shawl or blazer to cover the shoulders.
In the case of beach or country weddings avoid black dresses and bet on light tones and prints with light and vaporous textures.
Always avoid very low-cut dresses, excessive rhinestones, velvet and very light colors that can leave the bride in the background, because you have to think that she is the protagonist and you can not be undone.
All the dresses I show you are from the web Babyonlinedress a web of prom dress online that I discovered recently and that has authentic jewels and prom dresses 2017 that can get us out of a hurry to face upcoming events or ceremonies.
I hope you like them and help you with these tips. I await your comments. Kisses and be happy!
It's time to look at the perfect homecoming dress for events and ceremonies. If you have a wedding and you want to get it right depending on the type of wedding or protocol that exists, there are a number of guidelines to follow, to always look perfect.
You have to take into account many factors, such as the degree of relationship with the boyfriend, the place, the time of year, your own style (because it is not disguised, much less) and the type of Wedding (whether religious, civil, on the beach, themed, American ...)
It may be that already in the invitation itself, the style of wedding or dress to arrive, either rigorous or gala (where you must wear long dress and even add accessories or details such as glitter and sequins, as they are associated with weddings of Night) or formal (where the dress will not be too long 3/4 below the knee and medium-high heel)
In the case of winter weddings you have to play with the coat factor, whether it be a coat, a long dark coat without many details, a stole or a lightweight scarf. Whereas if it is spring or summer, in the case of being religious ceremony wear a shawl or blazer to cover the shoulders.
In the case of beach or country weddings avoid black dresses and bet on light tones and prints with light and vaporous textures.
Always avoid very low-cut dresses, excessive rhinestones, velvet and very light colors that can leave the bride in the background, because you have to think that she is the protagonist and you can not be undone.
All the dresses I show you are from the web Babyonlinedress a web of prom dress online that I discovered recently and that has authentic jewels and prom dresses 2017 that can get us out of a hurry to face upcoming events or ceremonies.
I hope you like them and help you with these tips. I await your comments. Kisses and be happy!
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Elegant Evening Dress - Babyonlinedress Off-The-Shoulder Dress - Babyonlinedress |
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Chiffon Dress - Babyonlinedress Two-pieces Dress - Babyonlinedress |
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One-shoulder Dress - Babyonlinedress Baby Blue V-Neck Dress - Babyonlinedress |
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Lace Pink Dress - Babyonlinedress Tulle mini princess Dress - Babyonlinedress |
Photos vía Babyonlinedress
Que preciosidad de vestidos!!
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