Hola!! Que tal? Ya queda poco de este año, ya estáis pensando en los propósitos para el nuevo año que entra?
Los abrigos de peluche están de moda y más con pelo en las capuchas y si son de colores y canto más llamativos mejor. En parkas kaki, abrigo de lana y en multitud de colores, amarillos, rosas, azules....
Versátiles a la hora de combinar y perfectos para combatir las gélidas temperaturas del invierno.
En nuestra tienda Besosdechocolateyfresashop, no queríamos perdernos la tendencia de pelos a la capucha con nuestros abrigos esquimales en color taupe y gris claro con pelos de color marrón y negro, para enamorarse y no quitárselo en todo lo que queda de invierno. Que os parecen? Os habéis apuntado a esta moda?
Espero que os gustase. Besos y feliz dia!!!!
Hello!! How are you? There is little left of this year, you are already thinking about the purposes for the new year that enters?
Stuffed coats are fashionable and more with hair in hoods and if they are more colorful and singing better flashy. In parkas kaki, woolen coat and multitude of colors, yellow, pink, blue ....
Versatile when combining and perfect to combat the icy temperatures of winter.
In our shop Besosdechocolateyfresashop, we did not want to lose the tendency of hairs to the hood with our taupe and light gray Eskimo coats with brown and black hairs, to fall in love and not to take away in all that is left of winter. What do they look like to you? Have you signed up for this fashion?
I hope you like them Kisses and happy day !!!!
Hello!! How are you? There is little left of this year, you are already thinking about the purposes for the new year that enters?
Stuffed coats are fashionable and more with hair in hoods and if they are more colorful and singing better flashy. In parkas kaki, woolen coat and multitude of colors, yellow, pink, blue ....
Versatile when combining and perfect to combat the icy temperatures of winter.
In our shop Besosdechocolateyfresashop, we did not want to lose the tendency of hairs to the hood with our taupe and light gray Eskimo coats with brown and black hairs, to fall in love and not to take away in all that is left of winter. What do they look like to you? Have you signed up for this fashion?
I hope you like them Kisses and happy day !!!!
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Abrigo esquimal Taupe/gris - Besosdechocolateyfresashop |
Photos via pinterest y besosdechocolateyfresashop
A mi me encantan los abrigos de pelo! Abrigan muchisimo y quedan muy bonitos