Hola!! ¿Qué tal el inicio de semana? Yo comienzo la semana viajando, última semana agotadora antes de las vacaciones de Agosto.
Hoy os muestro un nuevo descubrimiento de la mano de EucaliptuShop. El amor por el mar y la naturaleza se unen para ofrecer prendas únicas como vestidos, camisetas, sudaderas, pantalones, ponchos, monos y complementos como bolsos y pañuelos.
Tiene su propio blog y celebrities como presentadoras del Telediario de Telecinco llevan sus prendas. Podeis estar al tanto de sus novedades en su página web con su Newsletter y redes sociales como Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Trumb y Youtube.
Espero que os gustase. Gracias por vuestros comentarios y visitas. Feliz día!! :)
Hello!! How about the beginning of the week? I start the week traveling, grueling last week before the August vacation.
Today I show a new discovery EucaliptuShop hand. The love for the sea and nature come together to offer unique items such as dresses, shirts, sweatshirts, pants, ponchos, monkeys and accessories such as handbags and scarves.
He has his own blog and celebrities as presenters of the newscast of Telecinco wear their clothes. You can keep abreast of their news on their website with your newsletter and social networks like Facebook, Intagrama, Twitter, and Youtube Trumb.
I hope you liked it. Thank you for your comments and views. Happy day!! :)
Hello!! How about the beginning of the week? I start the week traveling, grueling last week before the August vacation.
Today I show a new discovery EucaliptuShop hand. The love for the sea and nature come together to offer unique items such as dresses, shirts, sweatshirts, pants, ponchos, monkeys and accessories such as handbags and scarves.
He has his own blog and celebrities as presenters of the newscast of Telecinco wear their clothes. You can keep abreast of their news on their website with your newsletter and social networks like Facebook, Intagrama, Twitter, and Youtube Trumb.
I hope you liked it. Thank you for your comments and views. Happy day!! :)
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Vestido Mediterráneo - 44,90€ Vestido Es Suquet - 31,95€ |
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Camiseta del Llaner Petit - 26,90€ Camiseta Piamonte - 24,90€ |
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Sudadera Es Pecat - 26,35€ Kimono Es Balcó - 34,90€ |
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Bermudas es Pecat - 28,70€ Short Concha - 39,50€ |
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Mono Es Cau - 39,90€ Mono Colmado - 36,75€ |
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Capazo XL Chicle - 59,95€ Bolso XS Marinero - 39,95€ |
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Pañuelo Estrellas de Mar - 15,90€ Pañuelo Veleros - 15,90€ |
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Alba Lago en el Tiempo de Telecinco Ane Ibarzabal Informativos de Telecinco |
Instagram: @besosdechocolateyfresa
Qué buen descubrimiento. Besos guapa.
ResponderEliminarpues no la conocia , tienen cosas chulsiimas, voy a echar un ojo
Voy volando a ver si cae algo ^^
ResponderEliminarUn besito!
Essence Of Electricsbubbles